Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On SVG Animation

This blog is all about animations on the web.
Though I have some experience of doing animation with OpenGL and Java, I am virtually a newcomer to the web land.

Nowadays, web Animations are using GIF, FLASH, JavaScript, SVG techniques.

One of my site (BoGoToBoGo-http://www.bogotobogo.com/) will be dedicated to animations and another site ( EpicMath - http://www.epicmath.com/) to the application side, especially, math.
So, the purpose of the two sites is to develop animation techniques for math education. There are lots of useful animations that make math a fun subject rather than dreadful, fearful and boring. This site will learn from those techniques as well as develop new methods which give some insights into the elegance of math. I think SVG animation may be the primary tool for my animation.
The covered area will be limited by my short knowledge of math. But I will try to extend it to complex numbers, topology if possible. Of course, it should cover some basic stuffs such as calculus, geometry, statistics, and linear algebra.
Even though I am not an expert on Web Animations, I've been programming extensively using a couple of languages such as C++/C#/Java and the scripts like Python, Perl, Javascript and PHP etc.The sites will have animations using SVG+Javascript, GIF, Flash, and Java Applet as well as OpenGL animations, eventually.
Good luck Math!

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